Hope all is well, for you.

Sunday 17 January 2010


I seem to be dreaming alot recently; really vivid and realistic, yet surreal dreams. Most of them I forget within the first hour or so of being awake, which is what usually happens when people have dreams i think. Last nights dream really stuck with me today though.
The main focus of the dream was a race between several people from England to France, one of the people in the race was a good friend Joel Peck. In the dream he was using a big, old wooden sail boat to cross The Channel. At the very end of the dream I remember finishing the race and wondering where Joel was, then I got told that he swallowed his tongue during the race and died. I then remember just going absolutely nuts, pranging out and being genuinely devastated by his death.
When I woke up I remember being so confused yet really aware as to what just happened in my dream, the first thing I did after waking up was checking on the internet if it is possible to swallow your own tongue. (apparently it isn't, though your tongue can swell and block your gullet, stopping you breathing) As the day went on though I kept on suddenly remembering my dream and getting pretty bummed out at the thought of it.
Though this dream really sucked, I hope I do continue to dream alot and hopefully remember the dream through the day. If i do, I'll probably talk about it on here again, which sucks for you if you found this really boring; gutted.

To make this entry some-what interesting, here's some photos of the very alive and well Joel Peck. (The last one was obviously not taken by me, but himself)

Pre-beard, Alan Davies in Jonathan Creek look alike. Summer 2008.
 Post Australia travels.

I forgot to mention that he takes fucking amazing photographs. So look at some of them here.

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